Household finances with accounting software

Household finances with accounting software
EZ TrackMoney is software for managing personal finances and family.
With this software you can record revenue and expenditures, accounts payable, accounts receivable, assets and investments. You can also make a financial budget, financial planning, and also look at your family's balance sheet.

In addition the software also comes with a financial advisor and a financial calculator. The financial adviser will show you the financial condition include total assets, total liabilities, total income, net worth, monthly living expenses, etc., and will provide analysis and advice on your financial ratios.
While financial calculator contains a calculator to calculate the education fund, pension fund, the value of money, investment, loan and charity.

This software is an application package works Indonesia is reliable, simple and affordable, and not inferior to any other personal financial management software particularly similar software from abroad.

I suggest you get the trial first tries at the trial only in the limit up to 100 transactions, if you want to move to version full version you can see how the registration on the website developer.

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