accounting practice sales

Background The development of economic globalization that is where the higher the level of competition encourage every company untukmempersiapkan accurate information for any interested party denganperusahaan. Interested parties will always need to know the state of the company report keuanganuntuk they occupy. Accounting is the process suatusistem financial data into information used dalampengambilan a decision for the wearer. Currently pertanggungjawabanmerupakan point of concern in the community, so the usefulness of accounting akansemakin felt. Accounting functions are becoming increasingly important because utamaakuntansi goal is to present economic information of an economic unity kepadapihak concerned. One of the media to prepare infomasi bagiseluruh stakeholders is preparing financial keuangan.Laporan report aims to provide information concerning posisikeuangan and performance of a company for the benefit of users in making economic decisions laporankeuangan. Information in laporankeuangan should be reliable and relevant in order to be useful for the user. In the financial statements will be listed pencatatanyang end result of this process is a summary of the transaction that the transaction has an enterprise dilakukanoleh. The financial statements are made as part of a complete financial prosespelaporan, with the aim to mempertanggungjawabkantugas-tasks assigned to the company's management. Reports seharusnyadisajikan relevant and consistent information that can mendukungkeputusan investment by investors. Companies that sell goods process will have many sekalitransaksi-transactions that occur in the operation of its business. Transactions
was done to support the smooth production process perusahaan.Perusahaan will evolve if it can overcome the problems yangmuncul in their business activities. Transactions will appear bilaperusahaan companies engage with outside companies or consumers. The process of this internship will be done in the company because the company sebagaitempat internship is a company in the oil and gas yangterbesar. Although the current position of the company still came second, losing the oil higher than Chevron Pacific (CPI), but the authors wanted to know accounting, and these procedures have been used to support the activities of accounting. While untukproduksi gas, the number one in terms of production held by Total E & P (News, February 2010). In this case I do research or internship at the company UnitPemasaran Central Java-Yogyakarta. DIY wilayahJateng company engaged in the marketing of fuel products minyakatau fuel (diesel, premium, kerosene, Pertamax, Pertamax plus). company's marketing territory only the sale of goods tanpamemproduksi, because the company is only unitdari company offices. Pemasarannyayaitu interns just focus on sales transactions. Sales are the life source of an enterprise, as well as income derived from penjualandapat a business attract consumers who sought untukmengetahui appeal so they can know the results have been satisfying customers yangdihasilkan product or not. Internship or work practices performed as a debriefing untukmasuk into the working world. Because the world would have been different dengankegiatan lectures conducted in a company. Pamagang bilamelakukan will better understand the process of data entry activity reports or financial statements. Accounting will be serve as a basis in doing prosespemagangan by apprentices.
Target Target Internship internship conducted at the company was sebagaiberikut: Understanding the practice of accounting for sales transactions in the company.

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