accounting concepts and Principles of Accounting

Basic Concepts
The basic concept is the basis of accounting principles generally accepted that also serves as a foundation for other accounting principles based on the characteristics of the same environment.
According to Zaki Baridwan (1997: 9) states that the basic concepts underlying accounting principles are as follows:
1. Historical cost principle (Historical Cost Principle).
2. The principle of recognition of revenue (Revenue Recognition Principle).
3. Principles unite (Matching Principle).
4. The principle of consistency (Consistency Principle).
5. The principle of full disclosure (Full Disclousure Principle).

Principles of Accounting
The accounting principles are the basis or guide for those who practice or activity in the field of accounting, so that must be obeyed in particular in terms of the process of preparing financial statements. Accounting principles could provide clues about how the data sources and economic obligations are recorded as assets and liabilities, how to record, when the change is recorded, and how to measure it and what information is disclosed and how to express it.
According to the Niswonger and Fess (1996: 349-353) accounting principles of the most important and widely used is as follows:
1. Unity of effort (Bussines entity).
2. The company runs (Going Concern).
3. Evidence of an objective (Objective Evidence).
4. Units of measurement (unit of measurement).
5. Accounting period (Accounting Period).
6. Matching revenues and expenses (Matching Revenue and Cost expired).
7. Consistency (Consistency).
8. Materiality (Materiality).
9. Konsevatisme (Consevatisme).
Indonesian Institute of Accountants (1984: 16) describes the accounting principles as follows:
Indonesia Accounting Principles are a set of principles, procedures, methods and techniques of accounting that govern the preparation of financial statements, especially those addressed to outside parties such as shareholders, creditors, tax authorities, and so on.
Accounting principles play an important role, especially in the implementation of the accounting function as a provider of a company's financial accounting, so by using accounting principles and concepts of the recording and valuation of property.

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