Forms Receivable Accounting System
Recording procedures aim to record the transfer of receivables receivables to each debtor. Mutations receivables due to credit sales transactions, cash receipts from debtors, sales returns, accounts receivable dam removal.
Information Required By Management
Information reported to the management accounts are:
1. Outstanding amounts at certain times to each debtor.
2. History pelunasaan receivables made by any debtor
3. Age accounts for each debtor at any given moment
In accounting receivable, accounts receivable are periodically generated peernyataan sent to each debtor. Statement of accounts is an essential element of good internal control in recording receivables, by periodically sending a statement to each debtor receivables, notes receivable company tested its accuracy by using the responses to that received from the debtor of the delivery of the statement and can cause a good image of the debtor regarding keandalaan dimatta financial accountability.
To find out the status of receivables and debts and least likely accounts receivable, accounts receivable periodically recording function provides information to the debtor's accounts receivable per the financial manager. List of accounts receivable is a report generated from the card receivables.
The primary document used as the basis for recording the card into the receivables are:
1. Sales Invoice, this document is used as the basis of recording the onset of receivables on the basis of credit sales transactions. This document enclosed with the letter fit (bill of loading) and mail order delivery as a supporting document to record credit sales transactions.
2. Proof Cash Entry, this document is used as the basis for recording of transactions reduced settlement receivables receivables receivables settlement of the transaction by the debtor.
3. Credit Memo, the document is used as the basis for recording sales returns. This document is issued by the sales order.
4. Proof Memorial (Journal Voucher), evidence of the memorial is the basic source document for recording transactions into the general journal. Inidigunakan document as the basis for the elimination of accounts receivable records. This document is issued by the credit function to authorize the removal of receivables that it can not be billed again.
Accounting records
Accounting records which are used to record transactions involving accounts receivable are:
1. Sales Journal, this record is used to record the reduction in receivables from credit sales transactions.
2. Journal Sales Returns, accounting records are used to record the reduction in receivables from sales return transaction.
3. Cash Receipts Journal, the accounting records are used to record the reduction in receivables from transactions in cash receipts from debtors.
4. Card Receivables, accounting records are used untu record the transfer and the balance due to the debtor.
Task of accounting functions in relation to the recording of accounts receivable is:
1. Holding a note receivable to each debtor, which can be a card that is a sub-ledger accounts receivable, which is used to specify the accounts receivable ledger controversy, or in the form of an open invoice records (open invoice file), which serves as a sub-ledger accounts.
2. Produce a statement receivables (accounts receivable statements) periodically by sending kesetiap debtor.
3. Holding history records krredit every debtor to facilitate the provision of data to decide to extend credit to customers and to follow the billing data from each debtor.
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